Social Contributions
Basic Concept of Social Contribution
Sumitomo Electric stipulated its Basic Policies on Social Contributions in April 2007 on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of its foundation. Under the Basic Policies, we are considering the social contributions we should make and conducting concrete social contribution activities such as the establishment of the SEI Group CSR Foundation as a vehicle to contribute to encouragement of research and learning activities and human resource development, contributions to local communities, monetary contributions, human resource development and support of volunteer activities. We also believe that, while contributing to society through business, the Group should autonomously implement social contribution activities suitable for the Sumitomo Electric Group, which is aiming to be a "Glorious Excellent Company."
- The Sumitomo Electric Group Basic Policies on Social Contributions
The Sumitomo Electric Group will proactively address voluntary social action programs, as a member of society, focusing on "respect for human resources," "attaching importance to technology" and "creating a better society and environment" in accordance with the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles, as well as widely contributing to society through its business activities, including the provision of products, technologies and services that benefit society.
The Sumitomo Electric Group shall- (1)
- globally promote efforts toward the development of human resources, the promotion of research and learning and environmental conservation,
- (2)
- promote community-oriented social contribution activities in the Group's business locations all over the world, and
- (3)
- provide continuous support to employees' voluntary social contributions.
Established in April 2007
Concrete Measures
In April 2009, the Sumitomo Electric Group established a fund for developing human resources and supporting learning and research in Japan and overseas as a base for continuously promoting voluntary social actions. The Foundation was officially recognized as a public interest incorporated foundation by the Prime Minister in February 2010.
・monetary contributions to university courses
・granting of scholarships for local students studying at overseas universities
・granting of scholarships for international students studying in Japan
・support for academic and research activities
At present, the Foundation mainly offers monetary contributions to university courses, supports academic and research activities, and grants scholarships. Going forward, the Foundation will continue to enthusiastically develop its activities and contribute to the establishment of a rich and peaceful society for everyone.
- (1) Participation in Volunteer Activities
In April 2007, we introduced a volunteer holiday system, which allows employees to take accumulated holidays (up to 10 days per year) to participate in volunteer activities.
- (2) Social Contributions through Donations
In September 2007, we adopted a system under which employees can make monetary donations through our selective welfare system (cafeteria plan) to welfare and environment-related public interest groups such as UNICEF, the Japanese Red Cross Society and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Japan. We have also adopted a matching gift system under which the company concurrently donate an amount equal to the donation made by its employee. In September 2013, we expanded the cafeteria plan to enable employees to make monetary donations through the system to the SEI Group CSR Foundation. We also collected donations for the victims of the typhoon that had struck the Philippines in November 2013.
- (3) Collaboration with NPOs
We have promoted TABLE FOR TWO activities*, a program to contribute to society and support health management of our employees at our cafeterias since October 2011. Part of the proceeds is donated to help provide school meals in developing countries. In addition, we have collected PET bottle caps since March 2015 and used books and CDs since March 2016 to donate profits on the sales to Japan Committee, Vaccines for World’s Children, to support them provide vaccines to children across the world.
* TABLE FOR TWO activities
In this program, a low-calorie, well-balanced healthy menu is offered daily at the company cafeterias, and 20 yen is donated from the sale of each meal to TABLE FOR TWO International, an NPO.

To build harmonious relations with local communities, the Sumitomo Electric Group implements various activities at each domestic site. Main activities include the following:

- Local cleaning activities, promotion of greening, environmental conservation activities, etc.
- Supporting local disaster-prevention and safety activities
- Opening corporate facilities (sports grounds, gyms etc.) to the public
- Inviting local residents and students(from elementary, junior high and high schools) on plant tours
- Supporting and participating in regional events in neighboring local communities
- Publishing local community magazines

- Accepting participation of students and teachers in hands-on training programs at our worksites
- Holding on-site science classes at schools, to explain scientific principles clearly while introducing the Company's technologies
- Holding sports events for neighboring residents (especially children or elderly persons)
- Organizing sports training sessions for students or their parents
- Supporting for promotion of sports for people with disabilities
Large-scale natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons, occur in Japan and abroad every year. From the standpoint that post-disaster rehabilitation is extremely important for providing relief to victims of natural disasters, we make donations through the Japanese Red Cross Society and other organizations. In addition, we make donations in various areas, including education, industrial, and academic development; R&D; art and culture; welfare; local development; environmental conservation; and sports. For example, we make donations to educational facilities including a library for children and a college of nursing. We also support local communities neighboring our business sites and local revitalization projects to bolster local development.

The Sumitomo Group supports the Sumitomo Foundation, which subsidizes basic science and environmental research as well as projects for preserving and restoring cultural properties in Japan and abroad. Sumitomo Electric also participates actively in various social contribution activities planned and implemented by the Sumitomo Group Public Affairs Committee in each fiscal year.
The Foundation provides grants to research and projects whose aims are to address problems that confront humanity.
- Basic science research
- Projects for preserving & restoring cultural properties
- Environmental research
- Japan-related research in other Asian countries, etc.